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Thursday, 15 November 2012

Write a program and explanation of the fibonacci series in C language examples?

Fibonacci series,explanation of the fibonacci series in C language,program and explanation of the fibonacci series in C language,Write a program and explanation of the fibonacci series in C language,Fibonacci series in C,fibonacci series in C language,C fibonacci series,C language fibonacci series,explain fibonacci series,fibonacci series C program

Fibonacci series:-

            Each number is the sum of two previous numbers.The below program is for the fabonacci series.

              Give the click to clear the fibonacci series.

fibonacci series

Program for Fabonacci series
                                 int f,s,t;
                                   printf("Enter numbers\n");
                                   scanf("%d %d",&f,&s);
                                                      t = f+s;
                                                       f = s;
                                                       s = t;
                                                 }while(t <= 50)

             Output: -
                                 Enter numbers
                                     0 1
                                 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55