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Saturday, 17 November 2012

Write a program to find the copy of the given string strcpy() using pointers in C language examples?

Copy of the string,string copy,C string copy,find string copy,copy of the string using pointers,find copy of the string in C, Write a program to copy of the given string using pointers in C language,string copy program,find string copy using pointers in C,find strlcpy()

 String Copy

In this program,the given source string is copied into destination string.

                            void stringcopy(char *,char *);

                                  char source[100],destination[100];

                                    printf("Enter String\n");


                                      printf("After copy the string is : %s\n",destination);
                               void stringcopy(char *str1,char *str2)

                                          while(*str1 != '\0')

                                                     *str2 = *str1;
                                     *str2 = '\0';

                               Enter String
                                 Welcome to C
                                After Copy the string : Welcome to C


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