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Friday, 16 November 2012

Write a program to right Shift the given number using in C language examples?

Right Shift,right shift in C,program to right shift,right shift the given number,right shift the number,C right shift,write a program to right shift,right shift the given number using C,Write a program to right Shift the given number using in C language,C language right shift

 Right Shift

               If you Right shift the given number,the given value will become half to actual value.
               Suppose the given Right shift number is 2(input),output is 1
                                                                        6(input),output is 3
                                                                        9(input),output is 4
                   The above logic is blind way to remember the left shift logic.

                         int n,ls;

                           printf("Enter number\n");

                                ls = n >> 1;

                            printf("After Right shift : %d\n",ls);

                       Enter the number
                        After Right shift 5


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